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Air compressors for semiconductor production – the world’s high-quality air compressor supplier

Shanghai Gramlin (Group) Co., Ltd. is a high-quality supplier in the semiconductor industry chain processing, our production of “water lubricated air compressor” is widely used in the world, high-quality oil-free compressed air into various industries to shine.

Benefits of using water-lubricated air compressors:

1. High air cleanliness and 100% oil-free.

2. Energy-saving, Ranklin air compressor adopts permanent magnet variable frequency motor, which further reduces energy consumption.

3. The air compressor has the ability to automatically control the start and stop, and remotely monitor and maintain.

No matter where you are, you can see the operation status of the “Gramlin Air Compressor” at any time.

The manufacturing process of semiconductor chips mainly includes the following steps:

1. Wafer preparation
2. Wafer cleaning
3. Chip manufacturing
4. Packaging and testing

Ranklin’s oil-free air compressors play a very important role in the semiconductor industry, providing high-pressure gases to meet a variety of needs in the semiconductor manufacturing process.

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